We all have been there when we buy anything for our home and want it to look fresh and stay new forever, employing virtually every technique to keep it in mint condition, but who can avoid the unavoidable, with kids and pets around it’s always not possible to avoid stains and marks.
Here we shall go through seven tried and tested techniques to keep your carpets looking new for a much longer time.
- Use carpet mats: To increase the longevity of your carpets, always use mats beneath them. Not only do they provide more cushioning for the joints to relax, they also protect the carpet fibers from prolonged wear and tear. They also prevent crumbling of the carpets imparting a smoother spread texture.
- Vacuum the carpet regularly: For any upholstery to have a prolonged life, it should be kept clean and tidy. Dirt accumulation wrecks havoc for the fibers be they organic or synthetic. Furthermore, if cleaning schedules are delayed, the fibers will wear out sooner.
- Avoid carpet spills: To keep your carpet looking new, try to avoid spills at all costs. Grime and dust is removable by vacuuming, but spills have to be treated using soap or chemicals. However, harsh chemicals are not advisable since they damage the soft carpet fibers.
- Use non volatile cleaners for all carpets: As mentioned earlier, stains are inevitable in any household no matter how much care is taken. To get rid of most of them, use gentle cleaners that have no VOCs. Use warm soapy water and a cotton rag to gently wipe less stubborn stains.
- Steam wash for carpets: For stubborn stains, steam wash is the best option using water at an extremely high temperature which is transformed into steam and used to treat the stain. This technique is employed by professional cleaners worldwide.
- Ensure ample sunlight to enter the room: Apart from studying this phenomenon as your biology assignment sunlight does indeed play a vital role in our ecosystem. Its benefits are uncountable. Your room should have ample lighting, draw open your curtains every morning and keep them drawn till noon if possible. This way you naturally kill germs and microbes that dwell on carpets, without using any cleaning detergent.
- Rotate your carpet regularly: If your carpet is placed in a square room, rotate it regularly, every couple of months to be precise. This way you’ll provide opportunity to all areas to face regular wear and tear and sustain equal texture.
If this isn’t done routinely, certain portions of your carpet will look old and worn out while the others will remain new.
A final word:
All said and done, by following these few simple tips you too can easily clean your carpets and make them stay with you as your perfect home mates, just be sure about keeping them unsoiled and hygienic and they won’t let you be troubled for years to come. Fingers crossed.