Lesson 2: Closing More Sales To Improve Your Profits
Learning how to close sales for higher prices means you get to pick the higher quality, higher paying jobs each month. This means you will be making more money for less work.
The best way to start thinking about how to close deals is to consider the product you are offering. Remember that you are not just a trade, you are a salesperson for your trade. You offer the best product at the best quality, and you should convince yourself of that fact. It is far easier to sell something if you believe in it that if you incessantly feel like you are charging your customers too much money. Believe your level of quality is worth the price you are charging and your customers will believe you.
If you are having trouble closing a sale with a customer who thinks your product is too expensive, you might consider the following.
1. Tell the customer that you would rather have to discuss the price with them than apologize for the quality of your service. If you use a nice tone of voice, this should make them realize the level of work you are offering.
2. Ask your customer if they care more about the cost or the price. You should then explain to them that cost means what you pay for something of poor quality. Price is what you pay right now for the product rendered. Let them know that a quality product may have a higher price up front, but it will cost the customer far less in the long term picture. Be sure that you are honest with your customer about this.
Be sure that you never argue with a future customer. Even if you do not end up handling a sale with them, they could give you a bad recommendation with other customers.
Consider the first two lessons in this course: Charge More and Close More Sales. If you made one hundred thousand dollars last year, you could make even more doing less work with the information you have gained.