Home Improvement

How to clean carpet at home?

Despite a wide variety of flooring products availability, Carpeting is the most popular and wanted way of flooring.  People love carpeting for its softness and it requires less maintenance as well. However despite your best efforts for its maintenance, it gets bad and dirty. Then, you need to change your carpet or to deep clean the carpet. Some tips are written here for carpets deep cleaning.

1-Blot stains/ Do not Rub

When spilling occurs on the carpet, do not scrub it. Scrubbing will ultimately drive the stain down the carpet. Gently mop the stain with a cleaning solution and sponge or paper towel. Rubbing causes particles to get in the fibers of the carpets, which gradually break down the fibers.  Blotting puts pressure on the stain and soaks it up.

2-Club Soda process

Beer and wine stains on the carpets can be removed by using club soda. Pour the club soda on clean cloth and blot the stain. If the stain still appears lighter on the carpet then, use more soda to remove it completely.  If the stain still exists, mix some white vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio and spray it on the stain. Let it be soaked for 10-15 minutes. Then, press a clean cloth or sponge so that the diluted stain can be absorbed. Repeat this process until the stain disappears. Then, leave the carpet so that it can be dried.

3-Try shaving cream

An ordinary shaving cream is a very good product to remove every type of stains on the carpet. Apply the shaving cream directly on the carpet and then wait for 30 minutes. When it has set, blot it up by cloth. Then mix 1:1 ratio white vinegar and water and spray it on the stain then, wipe it out by cloth.

4-Freeze-Dried Gum

Sometimes someone chews a chewing gum and steps it out on the street and you track this sticky mess in home or onto the carpet. It can be removed by the ice in your freezer. Take some ice cubes; press them on chewing gum for about one minute. When it gets frozen as solid, remove it by the help of a spoon. Then use a scissor or knife to cut carpet strands so that the spot becomes undetectable.

5-Dish Soap Cuts Grease

When grease spills on the carpet try grease cutting soap. Mix a few drops of grease cutting dish soap in warm water. Spray this solution on the spot and soak greasy stains. Blot it with a paper towel or a cloth. Repeat this process according to the size and age of the stain. You must have to repeat this process multiple times.

6-Heat hardened wax

Wax can be dropped by candles on the carpets. It hardens quickly. Again heat it up in a semi-liquid state and put a towel or cloth on it and iron it so that the wax can be scraped off, softened wax with a butter knife.

7-Hydrogen Peroxide to rescue

A few drops of blood can also make a stain on the carpet and hydrogen peroxide can be used for rescue of the carpets. Loosen these drops by the mixture of water and any mild detergent. Then, scrape them off with a butter knife. Then, apply Hydrogen Peroxide directly on the stain to remove residual stain. Then, clean it with white cloth.

8-Clean pet accidents organically

Organic solutions are used to clean carpet in such cases, when your pet urinates on the carpet. Take baking soda and mix it in the warm water and apply it with an old brush until you see bubbles. Then scrub it with a piece of cloth. Caustic chemicals can also be used for cleaning.

9-Candy Crushed

If you have kids in your home then, you often suffer with candy crushed and stuck on carpet. First scrape it out with a butter knife. Then soak the sponge area in water and mild soap. Otherwise this area will attract dirt and ants on it because of sugar residues. When it is completely cleaned, dry it with a cloth or paper towel.

10-Deep-Clean Regularly

To keep carpet fresh and clean regularly, you can use steam cleaner. A cleaning solution is ejected under pressure via water Jet-nozzle in steam cleaner as well as it also attracts dirt and debris in carpet. Carpet fibers loosen any soil and dust and ultimately clean it than it has ever been.

Jude Thompson Oscar
Oscar Jude Thompson: Oscar, a home renovation contractor, shares DIY project guides, renovation tips, and ideas for transforming homes.